Small Teeth Got You Down? Go Big With These 4 Dental Procedures

Posted on: 21 December 2016
Being comfortable in your own skin is essential in modern life where confidence increases the odds of achieving your workplace goals and personal endeavors. And a major part of being comfortable with your appearance is being happy with your smile. Therefore, if you are unhappy with your teeth because you consider them to be unusually small, you'll be glad to know that the four dental procedures below can increase the size of your teeth—and your confidence too.
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3 Key Steps During The Dental Implant Process – And What Can Go Wrong

Posted on: 6 December 2016
Receiving a dental implant following a tooth loss can restore your smile and chewing confidence. The dental implant treatment process takes a number of months due to the process having a few steps that each take time. Going the slow and steady route with the implants helps the cosmetic dentist minimize the risks of a problem occurring and potentially threatening the stability and health of your implant. What are the key steps during the dental implant process – and what can go wrong in each step?
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Take The Ouch Out Of Your Dental Visit: Pain Relievers That Are Safe To Take In Advance

Posted on: 16 November 2016
When you are faced with your semi-annual dental cleaning, do you wince at the thought? If so, you might be tempted to skip it. That would definitely make your gums and teeth more painful in the long run, but how do you address the pain without doing or taking something you should not? The following pain relievers are safe to take a half hour before your dental cleaning, which may make the whole process far less painful.
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Haven't Been to the Dentist in a Very Long Time? Problems This Can Cause

Posted on: 27 October 2016
If you have not been to the dentist in a very long time, your teeth are likely damaged. If not, they are probably on their way. Below are some problems not taking care of your teeth can cause and how they can be treated. Plaque and Tartar Buildup Plaque has been building up on your teeth over the years and it will take the dental hygienist a much longer time to get all the plaque off.
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